Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Spiritual Hunger Conference

Well, this week is the annual Spiritual Hunger Conference and this year not only will Pastor Bill be here again, but Don and Christine Potter will be doing the worship.

I'm pretty excited to see them. There are suppose to be a lot of people here so I'm not sure if we'll get any time with them. I can't wait to introduce Josh to everyone! I also think that worship as a whole just might be a little different for him.

Should be fun.

Oh yeah...Please be praying that I get a good job. I'm feeling very frustrated with the whole thing right now. There are several places that would like to hire me, but all of them either don't pay enough or the hours are totally whacked. I will be going back into Victoria's Secret to discuss a pay raise and more hours. I just don't think I want a supervisor position right now.

Please pray.


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