Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ode To "Pops." is my Pops...or my father-in-law. I've decided to write about him because he will read this and he is so weird. I can say that he is weird because I tell him all the time that he is. Just a side note, I will not be writing about my husband this time....even though he is the most handsome man on the face of the earth...I will not write about him. Oh! Did I tell you that my husband as the stinkest farts ever...worse then Kayle's? Okay...

Back to Pops...He wears glasses and drinks beer. I think that maybe one of his favorite things to do would be to make fun of me. Why? I say it's because he's mean, but deep down I know that it's because he loves me. I am his favorite daughter-in-law. He leads worship for church and I really like singing with him because he lets me get a way with more then I should. Of course I also get blamed for all the crap that happens and get in trouble all the time.

Pops is a mailman with really skinny legs. He is also old and I'm concerned that he might fall down some icy steps and break a hip or two. He likes to drive his motorcycle, but don't mention his failing of his test because he just might go "postal" on ya! He is going gray, but don't let him tell you it's because of me.

He loves to read and fart...not to mention having people wait on him hand and foot. I think if he could have it his way he would stay in his PJ's drinking beer, reading, and eating...never taking a shower or doing anything with the huge rooster tale he has from his pillow.

In conclusion, I love Pops. He is a lot of fun and when it comes right down to it, I may like to make fun of him, but I really do respect him. Someday he will make the best Grandpa...someday. I'm glad that my husband is like him, but even happier that he isn't him...hmmm...

Pops...Your the best. I hope you enjoyed reading this!!!!!


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Change In The Weather

I'm not sure what happened to my blog, but I had like 50 paragraghs typed out and they are gone with not explaination....hmmm...welp...enjoy the pictures!!!!

I love this one of all of us girls!!! My bridesmaids were so hot!!!!

My husband is pretty much the most handsome man in the whole wide world!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Okay you guys! Thanks for the laugh. I'm not pregnant...I took a test and it was negative, thank you very much. On a side note though, I'm late starting my period and I've had several prophetic people come up to me and ask me.

But the test said I wasn't and until further notice I will say that I am NOT.

Funny...real funny guys!

I love you all and I'm glad that you all read my blog. I will post more pictures later, but the computer at home hasn't been working so I didn't even get my notes until tonight.
Love you!