Friday, November 18, 2005

It's Been Too Long...

It really has been way too long since I've updated. So much has happened that now I don't even feel like writing about it, but for my sake of keeping this thing going, I will.(phew! I didn't think that sentence would ever stop!)

Let's see...Well, I ended up in the ER a few weeks ago because my face was so swollen from a wisdom tooth coming in. It really freaked Josh out and that's why he took me at 3:30 in the AM. It took little over a week for the swelling and pain to go down until I was able to go back to work. Now, I don't have insurance yet, although I'm working on getting it. It just meant that...well...we can't afford it. We found out about a clinic in Spokane and that does everything for way cheap. So we went.

The facilities were very nice. All new equipment and everything! Oh yeah! Not to mention all of the homeless people too! It was great! Josh thought it smelled rotten and I just thought it smelled like the harvest. I miss the streets and want to go out on them again...but the streets here are sooooo cold!

Anyway, the dentist said he could pull it and it would only cost $50. Wow! What a break! So the following week I went in. I gave myself to full days to heal up before going back to work...but Nnnnoooooo...I got dry-socket really bad. The only thing that would even touch the pain were the pain-killers and I was soooo looped out on them that I couldn't even walk down the stairs by myself. I was stuck at home with a swollen face. This has been my first week back at work and it's been painful. It still hurts pretty badly.

On Wednesday, we found out that Josh has gotten a new job!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! He will be the newest Starbucks manager starting January 2nd!!!!! We are so excited about this because it is a major breakthrough for us. He really needed to get out of his old management job. Thank you Jesus!

The only problem is is this...You see...He gets my store...which means I have to transfer and I REALLY like my store. I've finally gotten use to being the shift and all the in's and out's of my store. Now my husband get's hired and I get hosed out!!!!

Oh's all good.

On a more spiritual note...God is really teaching me about when Jesus said, "Whatsoever you desire when you pray..."

I'm learning about how loudly my insecurities are when I'm not praying. That I feed into them because I'm so focused on myself. But when I pray...when I pray...I see revival! I see radical youth! I see a people with one love!

I have a lot of desires when I don't pray...I just really like my desires when I do pray.


At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooouuchh! I am so sorry about all the tooth problems you are having my friend! that really really sucks. I will be praying for no more pain or swelling. miss you and love you!

At 9:39 PM, Blogger MaPaMumby said...

KTAnn, I am really glad to hear about the new job for Josh. I have been praying for you guys, knowing God would meet your needs somehow. New place to live next??


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