Sunday, January 07, 2007

Stand and Burn

Right now in my life I feel like I'm rediscoving everything again...agian. Things seem so new and unknown. It's like when you have a season full of learning, growing and building character and you think, "Wow. I have learned so much and I'll never be the same again...again."

It's not so much that I'm relearning as it is going deeper. Like today in church I heard a simple truth that I have known for so long, but when Holy Spirit was shedding light on it all I could do was weep. He said, "The Lord has never regretted His investment in you. Ever."

I'll be honest and say that there have been many times where I have thought that I've lost everything I learned and everything I gained while in Redding or traveling all over. Such things as my sense of adventure. My hunger for miracles, signs and wonders. My passion to work on the streets(not as a hooker). I loved sitting down with someone off the street and just loving on them or praying for them. At times I've feel I've lost that edge. I don't know what else to call it.

Today I learned the truth. When Holy Spirit was speaking to me He reminded me of what Pastor Bill told us at our graduation. He told us to stand and burn.

Stand and burn.

You know, you can never forget your DNA. You can never unlearn your blood. What you are made of is what you are made of. I am made to stand and burn. To burn with love, passion, the power of God. I am made to stand and burn with Him, of Him, and in Him.

When I learn how to be "Be" then it's like riding a bike and all those things just come back.

With everything said....Stand and burn.